Nous intervenons auprès des grandes écoles de commerces dans plusieurs programmes masters. Véritable passerelle entre ces institutions et les entreprises, nous permettons aux étudiants de travailler sur des problématiques réelles de nos clients professionnels. Parallèlement, nos clients s’enrichissent pleinement des connaissances récentes en techniques de management, des meilleures pratiques managériales et entrepreneuriales et des tendances micro et macro-économiques.
Nous intervenons au sein des institutions suivantes et sur les sujets mentionnés:
We hold several faculty positions in world-class business schools and universities in France such as the IAE, EDHEC and Skema business schools. We constantly try to establish an exchange between these great institutions and businesses. We help organizations to increase their awareness about the latest theories, best practices and trends. On the other hand, students will have the opportunity to work on real world case studies and to help entrepreneurs solve real world business issues.
Here is a list of business schools and universities as well as the topics we teach: