Our Blog

La transition vers un management moderne des entreprises
Bon nombre d’entreprises s’interrogent sur les véritables motifs d’une baisse de leur activité, d’une perte de leur compétitivité, d’une stagnation de leur revenu ou encore d’une perte de motivation de leurs salariés. Il s’avère que beaucoup d’entre elles utilisent...

The current global trends
The snack giant Mondelez has just warned about a growing backlash against globalization. At the center of organizations, industries and CEOs’ concerns: the rising protectionism and economic nationalism. Investors see and are nervous about new protectionist measures:...

A great company culture can really make a difference
Business education programs teach us about how organizations should be conducted in order to create value for stakeholders. Since more than a decade, they also constantly remind business students about the fast pace of change in our new global and hyper-competitive...